Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Brett and I I aren't the only ones blessed to have friends who live close by.  Crew loves to see his friends every week!  Because Crew's favorite sitter, Miss Kate is on Maternity leave, Crew has been watched by several friends close by.  He goes to Aleah's (Jessica) on Mondays, Grayden's (Whitney) or Rowan's (Sam)  house on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Nana comes on Thursdays to watch Crew and Grayden, and then he gets to hang out with Ethan (Sue) on Friday!
    Since Whit and I live close by, he gets several play dates with Grayden! They are very quickly becoming best buds.  I love to see Grayden, but miss seeing Colton.  We can't wait to move to the farm and get to have lots of play dates with him!! But until then....

This was a surprise for Whitney when she came to pick Grayden up:)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The past 2 months...

   I have been horrible at blogging.. and for one reason only.. I would rather hold my baby:):)
Crew has brought SO much joy to Brett and I's lives..  we could not of dreamed that we would have a baby THIS good, and who would bring so much fun and excitement to our lives! I want to update you on what has happened in the last 2 months, and because so much has gone on.. I will be BRIEF!!
   March 1st- Crew Kessler Arrived- Best day of our lives (thus far:))

   March 4th- Came home from the hospital- was incredibly blessed with many visitors!

   March 6th- 1st Dr. appointment and back up to his birth weight already!

   March 7th- 1st time at church (perfect attendance so far:))

   March 9th- Colton Russel is born! Crew is now a big cousin:)

   March 21st- 1st time on an airplane, and first vacation!

   April 1st- Crew is one month old, and weighs 11.5 pounds. He is in the 80th percentile!!

   April 4th- First Easter!!

   April 14th- Grayden Ross is born! Crew now has 2 little cousins, and LOVES them!!!

   April 26th- First friend sleep over with Grayden! He didn't think it was cool that his mom tagged along.. (just not ready for that yet:))
  April 30th- SURPRISE visit from Aunt Ashlee... the first time he got to meet her. He LOVED his time with her!

  May 1st- Crew is 2 months old, and weighs 15 pounds, 10 oz. He is in the 95th percentile!

  May 3rd- I go back to work, and Crew gets the best babysitters ever.. Gma Kessler, Mamaw Cadwell, Nana Neier, Miss Kate, Aunt Whitney, and the best of all, DADDY!

Crew is really enjoying his lil life.. Here are a few of his favorite things...
  HE LOVES... smile, smile, smile... ALL the time..
...the morning:. 7:00am, he wakes up and is in the best mood. This is Brett and I's new favorite time too.  We put his in between us, and just talk and laugh! We all 3 love it!
... standing.. I will hold his hands, and he pulls himself up and stands. It first started with just a few seconds at a time, and then we would get lazy and bend his knees... now he will stand for at least a minute! talk and hear his loud voice. It cracks us up! He coos and goos, and yells and yells:)  He loves to hear himself, and so do we! eat... if I have "food" in front of him, he will eat! Even if he just got done with a 4oz. bottle, he will eat:)
... his car seat, stroller and car rides. He never cries when in it, and usually falls alseep within minutes of being in it.
...his Mommy! I have waited so long to be the only one who can sooth a crying baby:) We love to sit and do nothing, and just look at each other and smile!
...his Daddy! Brett is so great with him. He never thought he would like the infant stage, but he was wrong. Brett is so great at making Crew laugh!
.. bath time! It is one of my favorite times too. We have bath time every other day. After the bath, I give him a lil baby massage with lotion. He loves that too!
.. to sing, or at least here his mommy sing.  I broke out the Sunday School song book, and sing all the time to him. He laughs, but I wonder if he is laughing at me and my bad voice!
.. to watch TV. I'm not sure if its the lights, the sounds, or that he think The Office and Modern Family are just so entertaining.. but he can stare at those shows with wide eyes!
.. his fingers.. something that he has recently discovered and can entertain him for ever!

  Crew does Not like..
..Tummy Time! I feel that he is doing great in a lot of areas, but holding his head up is NOT one if them! When we have tummy time, he whines and I feel like he is saying, "What did I do to deserve this!?"
..being changed into clothes that are too small! I love everything about my chubby, big boy, except for the fact that he wore 0-3 months clothes for 4 weeks! I try to "squeeze" him in some of my favorites, but he isn't a big fan of that:)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The best gift from Heaven

How can I begin to describe the best gift Brett and I have ever received? Or even try to some up what has taken place in these last two weeks... if you have time and you are ready to read, then maybe you will find that I have tried at least to put into words the amazing events over the past two weeks...
    Sunday, Feb. 28th- THIS BABY IS COMING OUT!!!!
A week overdue... (who's counting anyways, right:)?)  Its not that I was miserable or upset.. I was just SO READY to see my lil guy, (and not be taking up time from my maternity leave:)) After visiting my Dr. on Thursday, she and I agreed that I was not going to be induced until it was hurting the baby. I had an ultrasound done, and "Baby B-Cad" was perfectly content, and perfectly healthy, so the word "induction" was not going to be used until about another week or so!
   On Sunday, I was DETERMINED that this baby was going to be in my arms the next day.... so I did everything I COULD to get him here.. Mexican for lunch, an afternoon "nap", walking on the treadmill, pineapple, apple cider, buffalo wings for dinner, and for dessert.. CASTOR OIL!!!
   About 2:00 a.m. I started feeling contraction... I started timing them myself for about an hour. They were about 4 minutes apart, so I woke up Brett.  My very eager and excited husband called the Doctor and we were on our way! I love thinking back to this moment.. the last ride together where our family was just going to be us two.. we were so excited, (and I was in PAIN) so we prayed the whole way there to ease our emotions.
   Once at the hospital, they checked my cervix and monitored my contractions, "You are dialed to 1 & a 1/2!" "YEAH! I thought! I was finally dilated!" This number cracks Rachael up- Miss, I walk around dilated to 3 and I'm not even pregnant:))
   I knew it was going to be a long day, because I had so far to go! So once admitted, we walked around as much as I could. My contractions were minutes apart, and the pain was extreme in my back.  I held off as long as I could to get my epi. At 3 cm, I finally broke down!  At 5 cm. the Dr. was very worried about the baby and his heartbeat, because my contractions were so close together, he wasn't getting any breaks. There was talk of a C-section then, but decided to get me some meds to slow down the contractions. A couple hours later, and no progression, they had to put me on potosine to get the contractions going again.  At 8 cm. my Dr. was VERY worried about the baby, and his continue to decline heartbeat, that she decided we were going to do a C-section. Everything was ready to go, and Brett's scrubs were on... and then.. he started doing fine again (Praise the Lord??) I wanted him to be ok but I was tired of this.. it was 6:00 and I had been in bed all day. I was SOOOO  thirsty, and SOO ready to see my son. An hour later,  I was dilated to 10.. ready to push! When I did a practice push, they noticed that his head was in a compromising position, and was afraid that the umbilical cord would be pushed out first.. SOOOO you guessed it! They decided to do a C-section! This made me feel relived and calm about the situation.  I could have pushed for hours and then ended up in a C-section, or they can do it now, when the circumstance is a lot more calm.
   7:59pm... a time I will never forget.. our son was finally here! Those of you who have children know how unbelievable this moment is.  This moment will forever be in our hearts. Brett was the first to hold him, and then he brought him to me. We were amazed, and so greatful! We thank the Lord daily for our amazing blessing... Crew Kessler Cadwell!!!!!!

      Our stay in the hospital was great- we realized how blessed we are with family and friends.  We loved this time to bond as a family, and share our blessing with the closest people in our lives.   Thank you for those of you who came to visit us, sent us cards, or made us meals.  Brett and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!! Above all else, Brett and I thank our Lord for Crew. We thank him for keeping me and him safe through this whole process. We thank him for a beautiful and healthy baby boy.  Brett and I are so in love with him!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

READY to meet Baby B-Cad!

   Five signs you know you are READY for your unborn baby to arrive:

5. You make a special trip into your nursery, only to "think" about what its going to be like with him in there.
4. You read your "Labor & Delivery" guide book for entertainment.
3. You can't go 5 minutes without talking about your unborn baby... to anyone!
2. Every Braxton Hick contraction you have, you wish would be painful!
1.  You get excited about having your cervix checked (to see if there is dialation)!!!!
    Who woulda thought:):)

Experiencing these last 5 things has been what the last couple weeks have been like so far! I can't say enough how much I have LOVED being pregnant, but I am very ready to meet my lil guy (and stop calling him Baby B-Cad:) (As is my WHOLE fam!))
   I believe this will be the last blog I write before our son arrives... please be praying for him and a safe delivery! Thank you all for joining me on this very exciting adventure in Brett & I's lives.  Check in during the next week (or so), and hopefully be able to meet the newest member of our family:)

                                                      14 weeks- 39 weeks!!! WOAH!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

> 20 days!!!

This morning, Brett and I started the morning by laying in bed, feeling our Baby move, while listening to some of our favorite Chris Tomlin songs... As I was laying there, I could not help but have several feelings and emotions come over me...

I can't believe that we are less than 20 days from meeting our lil guy.  I can't put into words how amazing this journey has been for Brett and I so far.  I have loved every minute of being pregnant, and carrying this child! I am very anxious and excited about him getting here, and yet, at the same time, I am going to miss being able to say to Brett, "Sorry, two against one.. I guess we are going to eat at McAllisters!"

  Watching Brett prepare for the arrival of our son, and put his things together makes my heart flutter... I was watching him put together the swing, stroller, and pack & play the other day, and I got this huge grin on my face.. I couldn't help but daydream about the next several years, when Brett is putting the high chair together, then the booster seat, then oiling up his first baseball glove, and then on down the road, editing his application to Taylor! I love our talks we have about our son, and the dreams we have about what it is going to be like.  We have no idea what life is going to throw at us, and what this child is going to be like.. we just keep praying that above all else.. that he grows up to love the Lord!
37 weeks!!
My baby is "full-term" :):):)

"Showered" with Love!!

I can't put into words how thankful and blessed I feel for all my friends and family who has blessed us with words of encouragement and an abundent amount of gifts! Brett and I have by far all of our needs taken care of.. with quite a few "wants" thrown in there as well!
Kessler Family Shower

Cadwell & Friends Shower

Noblesville Friends Shower

Double School Shower

Double Neier Family Shower

Bible Study Shower

My Grandpa Penrod

Last Tuesday my mom and dad were coming back to Indiana after spending some time with my Grandma and Grandpa Penrod.  This was the first year my grandparents didn't come home for Christmas so my mom and dad made a trip to see them.  She called me about noon on Tuesday to say that her and my dad had turned around and were heading back to Florida. After receiving a call from my Grandma, that my Grandpa had collapsed and was sent to the hospital, my parents thought this was the best thing to do. I am so thankful for the timing of all of these events that took place.  When my mom told me what happened I knew that "this was it." My Grandpa had suffered emphysema for some time now and had been gradually getting weaker.  When at the hospital, my parents realized that my Grandpa ad suffered cardiac arrest several times and was on life support.  At 1:00am he was taken off life support; seven minutes later, he breathed his last breath and  then went to see Jesus!
    I of course feel sad and will miss my Grandpa so much! However, I have such peace about this.  After being around my family all weekend and witnessing how loved he was at his funeral by his many friends and family, I can't help but think, "Wow, what a way to go!"  He was 78 and had 4 children, 12 grand kids and 10 great grand kids! He lived a very full life, and now is spending eternity in Heaven!"
    I had the privilege of speaking at the funeral. This is what I said:

    I'm Shelby Cadwell, one of my Grandpa Penrod's 12 grand kids. When I thought about what to say, my mind kept returning to the past and also reflecting on the future.
   When I think about my childhood, my Grandpa Penrod is very much apart of it! I remember very vividly when I was 11, my dad told me that we were finally going to have a neighbor! I hoped that the neighbor would have a pool or some girls my age to play with.  When I dad explained that our neighbors are going to be my Grandma & Grandpa Penrod.. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed.  VERY little did I know how much MORE of a blessing my "neighbors" would be to me! I cannot count the times in my life when I came through their front door (without knocking) and built memories that will stay with me my whole life. I can still picture Grandma working on a quilt in her blue chair, and my Grandpa reclined back in that big red recliner, the majority of the time watching the Cubs game. unless if was around 5:00, then it would be Gunsmoke.
   When my mom sent us over there to borrow some sugar or oil, she knew she wouldn't receive her needed items for awhile, because I would end up visiting with them for a long time! Usually our visits consisted of me talking, and them listening!  I was so blessed to be able to have my Grandpa be such a big part of my life.  He took me to countless softball practices and softball games; and it was always a treat when we got to ride on the motorcycle! When I think about my years playing softball, I think about my Grandpa.  Whether he was coaching me from the 3rd base line, or from his lawn chair on the sidelines, he volunteering became apart of my life.
When I started dating Brett, I would bring him over to visit my grandparents as well.  Each time after visiting with my Grandpa, Brett would say, "I just Love your grandpa!" And I would say "Really? What do you like so much about him?" He would respond, "I don't know.. he is just a really likable guy" Which is exactly true! I don't remember Grandpa Penrod helping me with homework, or taking me to the pool, or asking me question after question about my day (probably because he knew I would voluntarily give him the info:)) But when I think about my Grandpa.. I have such great feelings toward him and moments with him.. that I knew what Brett meant when he said "He is just a very likable guy"  Brett and I recently built more memories with my Grandpa Penrod when we went to visit in Florida. We had so much fun going on boat rides, riding down Alligator Ally, and then finishing our day at their favorite rib joint.
   So again when I think about my Grandpa, I will think about the past, and how many wonderful memories and moments I had with him.

As all of the events were happening last Tuesday and Wednesday, my sisters and I called each other throughout those two days. The thing I heard from all of them, was that  the pain will be the most real and hardest to handle when they think about the future. I completely agreed when I started thinking about what the next couple months and years are going to be like. How will I feel when Brett and I go to Florida in a few months, and expect to see my Grandpa Penrod there. How will I feel when I go to their trailer on the farm in the summer, and my Grandma is in her blue chair and the big, red recliner is empty. Or the realization that my lil boy will never get to meet Great Grandpa Penrod? As I think about these events, it of course makes me sad.
   But when i think about the future beyond these moments, I thank God that he has created a place for us believers to go and be reunited! Thinking about my Grandpa Penrod's present and future fills my heart with joy, because I know that he is enjoying his brand new lungs, sitting in a much bigger, more comfortable and hopefully a little more fashionable red recliner, having conversations with the Good Lord himself about why He has not allowed his Cubbies to win a World Series in a very long time! Or maybe he is playing rounds of golf with Noah or Moses! We can't imagine how amazing, and how perfect my Grandpa's new home is. And no, my Grandpa and I will not have our next embrace in beautiful and warm, Florida, but our next embrace with definitely be in an unbelievable place!!!   And no, my grandpa will of never have the opportunity to hold this lil guy in my belly, but he does have the opportunity to hold Brett and I's first baby!
   I am so thankful I can carry my past memories of my Grandpa in my heart forever, but I am more thankful and more grateful that I have very real and amazing moments with my Grandpa in the future!!!

   I love you Grandpa Penrod and will see you again!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ho Ho Ho! Christmas in January!

Well not exactly Christmas in January.. but it has taken me this long to post about Christmas.. plus, we still have our outside lights up outside.. so I think I'm ok to still talk about Christmas:)
    How blessed we are! Brett and I love and very much look forward to Christmas time (as I'm sure everyone else does:))  We did some fun Christmas things before Christmas. We went to the IMAX to see The Christmas Carol and out to dinner with our Cadwell Clan. Brett and I even stayed downtown that night! Thanks to my Uncle Richard and Aunt Lisa, we got to experience Christmas Eve on the Connor Prarie with two of my favorite cousins!

We packed up on the 20th, and were home for 12 days!!

   First stop.. Neier Christmas.
We have so much fun watching all of the kids play and get their present from Santa! The picture to the left is all the girls cousins (Minus 2.) This is our traditional picture with our antlers. The gold antlers are reserved for anyone who is engadged!

    Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday, Brett and I stayed with his mom and dad. I love spending one on one time with Vickie, and staying up late talking (even though I do 90% of the talking) We had fun wrapping presents together too. I got to see Danika & Kadin too.. and spent some time going bowling with them! I scored my best ever! 178! Believe it or not!!!

On Christmas Eve, we go to the Kessler's during the day. This is one of Brett and I's favorite traditions. We first have to find the hidden "socks" (I love how G-ma & G-pa call the stockings that:)) and then we eat the best Chicken & Noodles! After lunch, we listen to Grandpa Kessler read the Christmas story, and then we all write a note to Jesus, giving him a gift. Gma & Gpa Kessler send us what we wrote exactly 6 months later! We feel so blessed receiving gifts from the aunts and grandparents too! We have fun the rest of the day playing game after game with one another!

Christmas Eve night we go to my Mom & Dad's for one of the best meals of the year! My mom goes all out and does an amazing job with dinner.. featuring Prime Rib! This year Ashlee made Krem Brulet! This year was emotional, as my dad sat at on end of the table looking at my mom at the other end and his four girls filling the table with their husbands. The kids were all in the kitchen at their own table. He talked about how proud he was of each one of us, and why he feels so blessed by how each one of us turned out.
     I sat their looking at each member of my family, and thinking the same thing! I have a mom and dad who love me so much, and who never hesitates to tell me how much they love me and how proud they are of me.. I have 3 sisters who are my three best friends! Each one of them is such a blessing in my life; their husbands who are now three of Brett's greatest friends, and how thankful I am how much they love each one of my sisters. My three nephews and my niece who have brought so much job to my life! Brett and I's child growing inside me.. created by the Lord himself, BRETT, who I don't deserve to have as my husband!... my two niece or nephews on the way and how much of a blessing they are and will be to our lil guy, and above all else.. the realization of why we celebrate Christmas. GOD, knowing what He knew about his Son's death, sent him anyway, to come to this earth in a form of a baby, so that one day when He died for us on the cross, that each one of my family members, who I love so much will have eternal life together!
  As you can see, what a blessing all of this was to me!!! Besides ALL of those things, Brett and I were blessed beyond measure with gifts from my parents!

The next morning, Brett and I wake up very early and travel to Avon to spend Christmas morning with his mom and dad.  This is another very special time for us.  As you walk in the door, you can smell the breakfast! All 8 of us sit down for our breakfast and then we get to open our stockings.  Vickie and Dusty are great gift givers, and Vickie spends so much time on each present, you don't want to open it because it looks so pretty!  Dusty always has "surprise" gifts that nobody knows about.  I love seeing everyone open the gifts that we gave. Ryan, Lanell and the kids are so fun to watch as they open their gifts from us, because you can tell how much they like them.  Ryan pulled the tags off immediately, Lanell takes off her necklace and replaces it with the one that we gave her, Danika begins on her yarn craft thing we got her, and Kadin begins putting his nerf gun together before opening another gift:)

After the Cadwell's, we all got ready and celebrated ANOTHER Christmas with Dusty's family! We have a lot of fun with this side because of the traditions!  The next day we spent with the Penrod's. I LOVE seeing this side. They come at 11am and leave at 11pm:)

Brett and I are so blessed to be apart of two amazing families.  We talk about and thank God for the blessings he has poured upon us. Every Christmas event we went to, we would think and dream about what it would be like a year from now!!!! Until then, we will thank God for what he has given us and enjoy kick and moment inside my belly:):)