Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A lil update about how this whole pregnancy thing is going:)

How far along?
15 weeks.. one week into my 2nd trimester!

Total weight gain/loss: I go up and down, after my camping trip last week, 3 lb. but this morning was officially just one!
Stretch marks? Ew, when do I get those?!
Sleep: I've slept good, just woke up a few times because I'm so stuffed up! Plus, I get up early in the morning to use the bathroom.. other than that.. 9 hours a night baby!!!
Best moment this week: Yesterday, another teacher said "Oh my gosh Shelby, are you showing?" and touched my stomach! I was so excited, and then I realized how weird that is when someone else touches your stomach:)
Movement: Can't wait!!! I read 16-22 weeks.. we'll see:)
Food cravings: Not really... I wish I had some!
Gender: Of course, B and I just want a healthy baby... however, we both secretly want a boy. My "feeling" says girl. We'll see in 3 weeks and 2 days!
Labor Signs: I lil too early I think.
Belly Button in or out? Still very much in.
What I miss: Sweet tea from Mcalisters, Diet coke from McDonalds, and the other day Brett brought home Mike's hard pink lemonade! I looked at him like, "WHY did you do that?" He laughed and said "The funny thing is, is that I was actually buying as a lil surprise for you, and then when I was signing my credit card, it hit me.. I'm sorry babe, I'm an idiot" I didn't think I missed that until now, when its sitting in our fridge.
What I am looking forward to:
Looking pregnant, the baby moving, knowing whether to start buying pink or blue!
Weekly Wisdom: Phil 4: 6,7
Milestones: Everyone knows finally!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cadwells! We just found your blog via Ann's blog. So excited to see that you are pregnant! You will be great parents. It is better than you could ever imagine!

    Glad to see that you are doing well! Enjoy your holiday weekend!
