Saturday, September 26, 2009

Boy OH BOY!!!!!

As you all now know..... WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!! Let's just start there, because its the most exciting thing that I'm going to write.. however, if you would like details... I'm the one to ask for details:):)

Fear. Fear does not come from the Lord. The Lord tells us, instead to, not to be anxious about anything, but pray instead, and present these requests to Him! I was presenting several "requests" to him these last few days.. over and over saying "Lord, calm my anxious heart, do not allow me to fear the unknown." Thursday at 10:30am could not come soon enough. I was counting down the days, the hours, and at 9:35, the minutes. The night before, I went to sleep... but unable to sleep... My heart beating faster and faster just thinking about the next day.
Brett prayed for us that night, and said "Lord, we have already given this child to you.. this child is in your hands and there is nothing we can do.. our desire is to have a healthy baby, but we want your will to be done.. Calm our anxious hearts..." The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and extremely excited! I met Brett at the Ultrasound.. both of us in great spirits and so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us...
We walked into the Ultrasound room and saw no pastor... no music.. no congregation... just us, Becky (the ultrasound lady) and the big Ultrasound machine now on my belly...

The second that thing was on my belly, and I saw our baby.. I knew God was there too. This was a worship experience I have never experienced before. No pastor (expect Pastor B-Cad:)) No music and No congregation. However, God was there, and it was real!!! Experiencing the feelings I felt is indescribable... the only thing I kept thinking every time Becky said "this looks good... this looks good..." was "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"
After everything looked "great", we told her we were ready to know.. As she said those words.. "Its a BOY" my heart FILLED WITH JOY!!!!! A BOY!!! A PRECIOUS BOY!!!! I know we probably would have been just as excited if she would have said "girl"... but its hard to even imagine now after feeling how excited I was about having a BOY.... we are SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS LIL GUY!!!
Brett kept saying over and over how amazing this was... He said "I feel a little overwhelmed right now... I have SO MUCH to teach him!" He was also very concerned about making sure he saw "it." He said "Oh, I think there IT is" and Becky said, "No, don't get your hopes up, that is the umbilical cord" hahaha....

Baby B-Cad is measuring about 7-8 inches right now... he's "above average" according to Dr. Adams. He is measuring a couple days earlier than the 21st, but not enough for my date to be changed. She said "Who has the Big Feet?" His feet were very big, along with very long legs! (Where did THOSE come from:))

After coming from the appointment, I was allowed to tell my sisters (Whitney cried- surprise! surprise! :) ... ALL of who thought for sure it was a girl .. along with the majority of my kinders kiddos. I got to school, and they were all so excited.. knowing that today was the day I found out (we have been counting down.)
To make the "big announcement" educational, I made a graph. They graphed what they thought the baby was.. 16 said girl, and 7 said boy.. When I made the "Big Reveal" and they saw my paper that said "Boy".. they started booing!!!!! I at first got my feelings hurt.. and said "Well Mr. Cadwell and I are VERY excited" Then I realized they are 5 years old, and are just upset because the majority didn't win:) haha...

We went out to eat with our parents.. P.F. Changs, of course! This was so special for Brett and I to have our parents all to ourselves! They loved our announcement and our gift to them. I forgot to take a picture of it.. but I wrote them a poem, and framed it... they of course were VERY excited for us:) Even the manager Chris got into the spirit of the night and gave us a lil gift.. Baby B-Cad better get used to the idea of going to Changs:)

It was an amazing day.. next to our wedding.. the greatest day of my life! I am so excited for Brett, and to see him as a dad.. he is going to be the best dad!! I told him yesterday, "I hope Baby B-Cad is JUST like you... EXCEPT.. I want him to want to put on plays and dance around with me!"

Its amazing how this child has made me more in Love with Brett, and more in love with Christ!!

Thank you all, friends and fam for your excitement for us:):) I'll keep you updated as much as I can about how our lil guy is doing!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you guys! I really enjoyed reading your post and hearing what God has been teaching you. You are going to be an awesome mom!!!!!!!!!
