1. What are your middle names?
Andrew & Layne
2. How long have you been together?
We just celebrated our 3 year anniversary (July 28th) We have "been together" for 6 1/2 years! Wow!3. How long did you know each other before dating?
5. Do you have any children together?
Yes! One w/ Jesus (Huck:)) and one on the way!!!! FEBRUARY 21ST!!!
6. What about pets?
Ah.. yah.. Tucker... Tucker is Brett's dog. However, Tucker likes me better than Brett. I walk him everyday and let him lick my lunch leftovers... However, he LOVES and adores Brett. Brett is his master, his buddy, his BFF:)
If you have to have a dog.. Tucker is the best you could have:)
We both went to Taylor. LOVED that experience together.. we met our "ever lasting" friends there.. and its so neat that we both know each others friends so well too! Actually 9 of 10 people from our wedding party went there!8. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Friday nights- Hot Box Pizza...... Sunday after church.-El Camino ....Special Occasions- P.F. Changs.. and when we are "splurging" on a week day night, we go to Mcalisters!
9. Where is the furthest the two of you have traveled as a couple?
We have been to Ukraine twice.. (which is the furthest obviously:)) we went to Cabo on our honeymoon, Florida for SB, New York in college for a wedding, and we have driven several places in the U.S... MI, WI, TN, OH, etc. We LOVE vacations!!!
10. Who has the worst temper?
haha.. I get more "emotionally involved" in our discussions, but Brett is more "easily angered". We will fuss at each other, but we rarely "fight". We are pretty open at saying anything that bothers us at the time it happens, rather than letting it build up. Our closest friends finds our relationship very entertaining, I'm sure!
11. Who does the cooking?
I do. I love it. I have such specific ways that I liked things cooked, that I would drive Brett crazy if he cooked. I'm very proud to say that when he says he is going to be home at 6:15, dinner is on the table at 6:16! I know it sounds cheesy, but this is one of my favorite things.. its like I am actually getting to help and serve him! Plus, if Brett cooked, we would have Buffalo Chix Wings every night (that is all he fixes when I'm not home:))
12. Who is more social?
Anyone reading this, knows that answer. I get energized by being around people. I love to have friends over and go out w/ friends. Brett gets energized when its just him and I.. haha actually he probably gets more energized when its just him.. I am always striking up conversation, or asking him "Do you want to go on a bike ride? Walk? Play a game? The thing about Brett is that he is a great people person, and people love to be around him too:)
Anyone reading this, knows that answer. I get energized by being around people. I love to have friends over and go out w/ friends. Brett gets energized when its just him and I.. haha actually he probably gets more energized when its just him.. I am always striking up conversation, or asking him "Do you want to go on a bike ride? Walk? Play a game? The thing about Brett is that he is a great people person, and people love to be around him too:)
13. Who is the neat freak?
We are equally matched in this area. We both really like things picked up and organized, but I hate to "Clean" like clean toilets, sweep, wipe down cabinets etc. and Brett never says anything when its getting bad:) I usually suck it up and do it before he has to say something!
14. Who hogs the bed?
Brettums.. (I'm sure he would say the opposite:)) I don't feel like I take much more.. I just don't like being by the edge.. I love being close to him, but HATE when his feet touch mine!!!!
15. Who wakes up earlier?
We get up at the exact same time. I don't have anywhere to be in mornings, so even if I'm "awake" I will just lay there holding my belly and pray for the day.. and when he actually gets out of bed, that's when I will too. Its kinda funny, because we have established this morning routine.. really its just me following him around talking, until he gets out the door... as I'm actually thinking about what I'm writing.. I really don't let him have much quiet time! haha
16. Who has the bigger family?
My family is crazy big. Brett has done well adjusting.. it has taken him some time to figure out who belongs with who (on BOTH sides) but I actually quizzed him on this the other day, and he knew all 17 great grand kids on the Neier side, and 9 great grand kids on the other, that's not including the 12 cousins on one side and 8 on the other, plus the step, and half on my dad's side.. and of course my 3 sisters, 3 brother in laws and 4 niece and nephews:) That's a lot of love to spread around! We love the balance.. I LOVE going to his side and getting some one on one attention. (which doesn't happen in a big family:)) Plus everyone knows such personal things that's go on in your life, its so nice to play games and gets to spend time with everyone there... and on my side, its crazy and chaotic, but pretty fun!
17. Do you get flowers often?
I am not a big flower person, so its not something I'm looking for..however, Brett does a very good job with the balance and surprise of the flower thing. I will get flowers randomly or for special occasions, even occasions like "Your first parent teacher conferences:)"
18. Who eats more?
ME! For sure! I love food, and think about what snack or meal I'm going to have hours before I have it! I'm very specific about how things are made too. Brett will come home from work and I'll say, "what did you do for lunch today?" He'll think about it and then say "Oh, I think I forgot to eat lunch" WHAT! How could someone forget to eat:)" Plus, he will eat whatever I make, and doesn't have too many "bad" comments to say about it:)
19. Who does the laundry?
Me!! I have figured out how his mom used to fold his T-shirts, and now I do it that way:)
20. Who is better with the computer?
BRETT! 100%.. I am very proud of how much he knows.. its a great skill to have, except when we go to my house and every time, without fail my mom will say "Brett, could you help me with my Ipod.. my IPhone, my computer isn't working again Brett... Brett do you think you could change this input thingy on my TV" My dad even joins in with "Brett, get in here, we need to update this thing on the web site (which he created:))" Truthfully, he never complains, we just laugh about how it happens every time:) I can say that I have fully owed making the picture videos (Brett taught me, of course:))21. Who drives when you are together?
Brettums... He HATES when I drive. When we are on long rode trips, I drive for like one hour out of 10, and the whole time he is watching the road, not relaxing.
22. Who picks where you go out to dinner?
Usually me.. but I am trying to get better at letting him have a say:) Now I'll say "you choose 3, and I'll pick the one from that. If I am really craving a certain place, I call him and say "Hey I'm making spaghetti tonight (he hates spaghetti), would you rather go to Noodls & co.?" ;)
23. Who pays?
Weird question since our money comes from the same place. But actually I am the one that "pays" because I carry the cash we take out.
Weird question since our money comes from the same place. But actually I am the one that "pays" because I carry the cash we take out.
24. Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
Brett. He is very good at admitting fault. "When" I'm wrong, I'll say sorry too;)
25. Who has more tattoos?
haha..Brett and I couldn't "pull off" a tatoo. We aren't cool enough!
26. Who eats more sweets?
I thought I ate a lot of candy, until we got married! Brett is OBSESSED with candy! He's one of those gas station junkies... I'll get in his truck and there will always be candy, and I'll say "Where did this come from?" "The gas station" ALWAYS! haha... And when we go to my parents house, he'll always have a pocket full of candy he stole from my mom's CRP stash!
27. Who cries more?
With out a doubt.. me.. I love to cry. I'll cry during movies, a TV show (even like Americas got Talent) during one of Brett's youth sports games, when one of my struggling kids just did something so impressive, or even just walking in the morning thinking about something sad! I'm thinking our lil one might have something to do with the high emotions:)
When Brett cries, its ALWAYS when he has realized something that God has done in his life or someone elses. It it the most touching thing to witness... plus, when he cries, he makes the same exact face.. like he will start to talk and tell me about whatever touched his heart... and then pause, tighten his lips, blink a ton of times and then smile real big because he is embarrassed:) haha.. he is so darn cute!
When Brett cries, its ALWAYS when he has realized something that God has done in his life or someone elses. It it the most touching thing to witness... plus, when he cries, he makes the same exact face.. like he will start to talk and tell me about whatever touched his heart... and then pause, tighten his lips, blink a ton of times and then smile real big because he is embarrassed:) haha.. he is so darn cute!
WOW! That was a TON of info! I hope you learned something about Brettums and I! If you couldn't tell already, Brett is my absolute favorite person. I love him so much! He's my favorite person to hang out with and talk to! He is an incredible husband, and a wonderful man of God with a HUGE heart!!!!... I for sure married out of my league;)